Lesson Quick Links
Build Illuminated Displays for 3D Models in UEFN
Connect Pop-Up Dialog Devices and Audio Files to Assets in UEFN
Edit a Photogrammetry Model's Geometry Using Blender
Create a 3D Model Using Polycam
Import 3D Models into a Fortnite Island Using UEFN
Edit a Photogrammetry Model's Geometry Using UEFN
UEFN User Interface Basics
Construct a Building in UEFN
UEFN Movement
UEFN Creator
Just getting started?
UEFN provides limitless opportunities for your creativity and imagination to shine. 3D creation can take some practice, but learning the basics can help you create more quickly and efficiently.
Access resources to help you learn the basics of the UEFN User Interface, movement in UEFN, creator shortcuts, and more.
Bring objects from your own life into a Fortnite experience using photogrammetry.
Learn how to create, import, and edit models of real-world objects to create a 3D experience in Fortnite. You will use Polycam, a mobile application, to create your models, and UEFN to use them to build a 3D experience. From there, use your imagination and experiment with UEFN's robust creation tools to complete your island.
Create a virtual exhibit in Fortnite to display your 3D models.
Learn how to construct a building using ready-made assets available in UEFN. Then, build illuminated displays to showcase your models. Finally, configure pop-up dialog and audio devices to provide information about the models when approached by a Fortnite player. The skills in this microcourse can be used to create different kinds of interactive 3D experiences - you can showcase your art, music, favorite possessions, family heirlooms, and more.